The next Woman's circle is February 2nd from 130-330p! Visit the Women's Circles page for more details. 2025 New Moon Circle dates have been posted.
Thank you to the Disability and Aging Summit for inviting The Ritual Bough to present at their annual gathering! We talked about 'Choice at End-of-Life' and met so many great providers and community members!
The Ritual Bough has partnered with Flameless Cremation and 2 Tails Veterinary Service to offer customized euthanasia, doula, and ritual services to you and your beloved animal companion on-site at Flameless Cremation, or at your home.
Thanks to the Alaska Nurses Association for inviting The Ritual Bough to their 'Nurses in Your Neighborhood' event at UAA on May 8th! It was great to meet so many students and community members!
The Ritual Bough is grateful that Bunnell Street Arts Center invited us give a talk about The Power of Home Funerals at a recent PechaKucha event they hosted at The Nave in Anchorage on March 9, 2024!
The Ritual Bough thanks Alaska News Nightly and reporter Rachel Cassandra for featuring a story about us and death doula work on their Nov 29, 2023 edition! You can listen to the story here.
The Alaska End-of-Life Alliance, including The Ritual Bough, thanks the Alaska Nurses Association for inviting us to speak at their annual convention!
Convention Theme: Trending Topics in Nursing - October 14, 2023
The Alaska End-of-Life Alliance held an Advanced Care Planning workshop on April 15th at SEED Lab/Anchorage Museum. Stay tuned for more events from AKEOLA:
The Ritual Bough was a guest on the Hometown, Alaska radio program on KSKA on February 6, 2023. Listen to the recording here: